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Daily Log

We started the class off with a 7 minute quick write of our reflection for the second project we have written based on the development as a reader, writer, or researcher. Matt then continued on to the poem of the day, “The Cats Will Know” Jessica was up next for reading her log and went over the previous class including comma splices and passive vs. active voice. We then shifted focus to project three, where Matt was so overwhelmed with excitement. Project three’s goal is to get us students working in multiple genres and to express creativity. We then had different presentations presented to us. Joe talked about the movie genre, epic, even though it’s not really a real genre of movies. According to Joe, an epic genre follows the majority of a major characters life span in detail. Movies like Forest Gump and The Great Gatsby would be considered an epic genre. ViVi then did her presentation on conspiracy theories. It was pretty cool the things she pointed out, but let’s be honest, there’s a reason behind everything and I’m pretty sure ghosts do not exist.

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