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For Project one, I wrote about the soccer community. I have been a part of this community since I was six years old and it will always be a part of me, so I thought it was the perfect topic to start with. At first it was difficult to narrate and explain in text all of the actions and experiences I have been through over the past twelve years, but I was finally able to wrap my head around exactly what I wanted to focus on. For the genre of the paper I went with different coaching philosophies that stood out to me as I changed teams over the years. The three philosophies that I incorporated into the genre were self-belief and confidence, practice doesn’t make perfect but permanent, and grass roots to college recruits. The text I used was created by how the philosophies shaped me to be as both a player and person. Pulling all these memories together was a lot more difficult than I thought it was going to be. However, it also brought forward so many important life lessons I had put on the backburner. It was really eye opening to see all of the things the soccer community has given me and brought to me. It also taught me to really hold onto everything that happens in a life time and never take things for granted.

Project 1


Project 2

Project two was a little more difficult to grasp the concept of. It truly took a period of time (including three topic proposals) to really know what I wanted to write about. Project two was like nothing I have ever written before. I was inspired by the topic of controversy with mission trips, incorporated it into a narrative research paper, and even including my first-hand experience. Throughout my paper, I was really able to connect the different perspectives with the genre and the research incorporated to keep the audience engaged. It was challenging but manageable. My local community had a huge impact on the paper as I was able to use guest speakers as the text and incorporate their experiences into it. From there, I was able to relate their experience to my first-hand experience of the recent medical mission trip I had gone on. Quite frankly, it was the most beneficial and eye opening experience I have ever been a part of. I was able to see the impact that we left and also the impact that was left on us. Following my first-hand experience I then was able to incorporate articles from the FSU database that supported my theory on the controversy of the trips and also found a few that negated it. By showing both sides, I was able to eliminate the possible bias. This addition to my paper was able to strengthen it and the overall theory of medical mission trips being effective.

Project 3

For project three, I had to flip my narrative research paper into three different genres. For the three different genres, I decided to also pick three different focal points of my essay and really go more in depth to show rather than explain the purpose of it. For the first genre, I went ahead and made a flier to hang in the dorm on campus advertising the pre-med health club that allowed me to partake in the incredible endeavor. The organization is also only a year old and really needs all the advertisement it can get, it is truly amazing. The next genre I did was a personal interview from my perspective as a member of the organization. With this genre, I was able to dig in deeper past the cover of the organization and truly express what the club meant to me. The third genre I created an Instagram for the trip to El Salvador and was able to share captured moments that screamed for poverty, help, and the help given. A million words will never be able to define the picture and everything around, however, the pictures were the next step of validating and raising awareness for countries like El Salvador who are in so much need of help. With the pictures, I was able to describe the setting and the circumstances so the audience can also understand the knowledge of each post. The Instagram was by far the hardest genre to create as it required much more cognitive thinking and remembering details for the specific picture. I also view it  as being the most important because it truly does capture the poverty and the scream for help.

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