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Project 3

Genre 1:


I decided to create a flier to advertise the local community that I am in, which was incorporated into my project two. S.A.W.H. is a new pre-med and pre-health organization on campus that parted ways from a different organization about a year ago.We are really trying to advertise and have it grow as a thriving organization on campus. The flier states a to be determined date for the next general body meeting. It will take place in Fall of 2017. This flier stands out compared to others as it is bright in colors and will attract attention at first glance. 

Flier in Action!!

Genre #2

For genre two, an interview was taken of me. It described the organization from my perspective of being a member. To me, it stands out compared to other pre-health organizations purely because of the people involved and the mission of the club. In the video, I go more in depth about it.

Genre #3

For genre three, I created an Instagram account based on the experience of the medical mission trip and to raise awareness for El Salvador and other Central American countries.The main focus of my project two was on the controversy of medical mission trips and different view points with my first hand experience tied in.

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