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Blog Post #4

David Wallace had a very great point of view and perception on his side of the humane/inhumane human treatment of lobsters with supporting how it is inhumane to drop them live into a pot of boiling water. Although he makes valid points of how they experience pain like that, boiling them in hot water is the most humane method. He was a bit bias in his article and really only supporting the inhumane side. I on the other hand disagree with his opinion and resources and believe that dropping a live lobster into the boiling pot of water is the most humane method of death. This is the most instantaneous method of death and the least painful. Chopping off a lobsters head would not be as instantaneous and their nerve receptors would still be activated, sending pain signals to the brain. Also, the inhumane part is not the boiling hot water rather the transportation of this fish after it is caught out of the ocean. It is taken out of its natural habitat and deprived of its basic needs as it is being shipped halfway across the country. So all though Wallace makes the point of this being inhumane, there are way more inhumane ways and that is just a part of life.

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