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Blog #8

Chapter 21 in our awesome little book talks about how to incorporate citations into our papers in the most efficient ways. If you were to write a sentence combining two or more sources (hopefully not being a run-on sentence), you would be able to integrate the citations within the sentence at various locations where the information was placed. There are many different ways to mention the citations throughout a paper. It could be incorporated into the sentence. For example, "In the article, "...", John Smith was really able to argue the point where blah blah blah (1-5). The line numbers then follow the end of the sentence. It could also be written as just the persons name or the book or journal follow the end of the sentence in parenthesis so not every sentence would have to be interrupted with a citation as a transitional usage. This chapter does a good job with showing all of the different methods to incorporate the citations. The in-text citations make it easier for readers to understand what exactly is true from other sources and what has just been strictly written.

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