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Blog #10

Viral marketing is very unique way to advertise and get memos across, yet it is the most widespread and effective method. It enables an endless amount of techniques to get the thing or memo out there and the messages presented in every shape, size, and form. The strategy originated in 1995 and has exponentially grown to today, literally. It was proven by Doug Rushkoff that the number of "infected users," or people who come across the advertisements, creates an exponential curve if it is something that has interest to them. The infected user will then share it with other people, and so on getting the advertisement out. It was assumed by Rushkoff that if the infected user shares with more than one susceptible user and continues in that pattern, it will follow the exponential curve. According to Bob Gerstley, these algorithms associate the consumers with high social network potential, which is very good for the business's. These companies are now able to locate the focal point of their customers and know just exactly when, where, and how to virally market. This article is able to relate to project three, as we have to make campaigns or "advertisements" in three different ways. There are endless possibilities of how we will be able to do this and the different audiences we will be able to target. It was a good perspective to step into project three with.

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